‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house no one could remember the names of Santa’s reindeer 🙂
In the original poem about St Nick (Santa) in his sleigh pulled by reindeer, there were eight reindeer names. After that, the story of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer became known as well. Thus Santa is known for having 9 magical reindeer puling his sleigh.
Santa’s reindeer names
For anyone else trying to remember Santa’s reindeer names to tell the kids or win Trivial Pursuit here they are:
- Prancer
- Dancer
- Donner
- Blitzen
- Dasher
- Vixen
- Comet
- Cupid
- and, of course, Rudolph
Many other reindeer…
But I also heard that it would take more than 214,000 reindeer to pull a sleigh of 333,333 tons (based on one soft toy per child I think it was). Now, there is no way I’m going to list out 214,000 reindeer names, even if I had a hope of knowing them all!

Arrange to delight your children NOW!
Of course, whoever did those calculations didn’t factor in the magic of Santa or the white boomers so the 9 names above are enough for me!
I’m looking forward to my children reading Santa letters soon! They loved last year’s, and even my husband liked them (and he’s not keen on Santa at all)!

THank you for listing the reindeer names for us Anna.
And we understand why you didn’t list all 214,000 of them!
THank you for listing the reindeer names for us maddie
You’re welcome Maddie 🙂
I love you Santa am I on the good list or the bad list? can you please get me a monster high doll – I want abbey
Hi Catherine – Santa loves you, too!
Santa has noted your request but he never tells what he’s bringing as he loves giving surprises. I hope you enjoy everything you get and the excitement of Christmas Day!
Now I know all the reindeer names , thanks Santa so much ! Just out of intrest am I on the good or bad list ? I guess I will have to wait till Christmas Day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, yes Holly, you will have to wait and see – but what do YOU think of your behaviour this year, hmmm? 🙂
I love Cupid
Thanks for dropping by Zac 🙂
Thanks for the reindeer names 🙂 Can you tell Santa have a good merry Christmas please?
Certainly I’ll pass that on, Trenton, but you could always write to him and tell him yourself!
Hi Santa, am I on the naughty list or on the nice list?
What are your elf’s names?
Hi Ethan,
Santa doesn’t read everything on here I’m afraid, and I don’t get to see his naughty and nice lists to know where your name is. The best I can say is what do YOU think of your behaviour during the year, and what could you do over the next few days that Santa would think is nice?
There are many elves with Santa and I don’t know all their names, sorry!
is there relly that much raindeer
There are lots of reindeer, Cameron, and that is a correct list of Santa’s reindeer from ‘Twas the night before Christmas.
I can never remember how many reindeer there are so thank you for that.
Would the weight of sleigh change based on the size of the soft toy and if so, What is the size of each soft toy and the actual size of the sleigh in order to be 333,333 tons?
Interesting question Donna.
Logic says the weight of the sleigh must change depending on the weight of each toy, but the weight of any one toy is probably insignificant compared to the total sleigh weight!
If you want a maths problem solved, perhaps you could join in World Maths Day next year, build your maths skills or ask someone with maths expertise – Love Santa is about delighting children with personalised letters and sharing the magic of Santa and Christmas. Good luck in your search!
Is it true that Santa has children?
Santa has never told me, Maddy, so I’m not sure. I think his elves are like children to him, though.
That’s what I was loking for – a list of the reindeer, thanks! Do the white boomers also have names?
Of course the boomers have names but I don’t think they’ve ever been made public – certainly not in the original song.
I’ll check with Santa about giving out their names…
Hi Bellah!
I hope you’re enjoying reading about everyone’s Christmas stories! Maybe you’d like to share some memories and ideas with us, too?
Um hi can you list the names in the order that santa says in the night b4 xmas plz
Hi Caitlin, Santa calls out:
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen
Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen
The name of the seventh reindeer is Donder, not Donner. The name comes from the German….
Thanks Scottie.
A few of the names have changed over time, and most versions of ‘the night before Christmas’ use Donner now. I am used to Donner personally, but I like Donder 🙂
You forgot Rudolph
Ah, Rudolph’s name is at the end of Anna’s list, Idk
Dear Santa, Priscilla has been a very good girl this year
. please make her safe, well and give her her family all the love for mama’s sick. For my Christmas let her mom rid the cancer. We all love her. I’m doing my best to keep her safe, while her husband works. I want nothing in return. Just a smile on her face. Thanks Santa, Lynn. You know where to find me if need be!
Hi Lynn, sorry to hear your loved one is so sick, but well done to you for helping her and for Priscilla being good all year.
I can’t speak for Santa but I’m sure he wishes the cancer gone and will do what he can at Christmas.
All the best for you all, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas with many smiles.
you are cool
Thanks Jacob.
The magic of christmas deffinetly defies physics as we know it. Both time & space
Very true David – always happy to hear from other believers 🙂
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove you .YOU ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD (: (:(:(:(:(:
Thanks Lauren -that’s a lovely thing to say 🙂 And you do know that Santa loves you, too, don’t you?
thnx xx
I needed to remember all 9 of them for a trivia night with a Christmas theme so just wanted to thank everyone involved in this site for helping me 🙂 And I love Santa, too!
my mum named all of them but now we know the order too thanjs
The name of the Six White Boomers are as follows – Jackaroo, Bluey, Curly, Two-Up, Desert-Head, and Snow. Christmas and Santa is the Most Magical Time of the Year.
Do you work all year making the toys and do you have fun?
From Bettina Australia
Hi Bettina, Santa does work all year making and gathering gifts for the nice boys and girls. He does it because he loves children and it makes him happy to give to other people – that’s a pretty good way to be isn’t it?
Hope your Christmas is merry, Bettina 🙂
How come you never hear anything about the 10th reindeer “Olive”?
A: Yeah, you know, “Olive the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names”
hey Rodney – we do know about Olive and some of the others not included in ‘A visit from St Nicholas’. Always good to remember the less well known reindeer, isn’t it! 🙂
Thanks for joining in and have a great Christmas tomorrow!
hi how do you name all of the reindeers?
where do the reindeers stay when the six white boomers help?
do the reindeers just fly you every were?
what time do you leave home on christmas?
what is your favourite food?
Hi Shanyn, the reindeer stay in a remote place in Tasmania (being one of the coolest places in Australia) while the 6 white Boomers pull Santa’s sleigh across Australia and New Zealand.
Santa could use the reindeer at any time but he saves his magic and their effort for Christmas Eve. He leaves the North Pole after an early dinner on Christmas Eve – he can’t come to Australia too early as it doesn’t get dark unitl late in summer!
I can’t say what Santa’s favourite food it, but I do now he loves anything made by the children he loves – if you make something for Santa, I’m sure he’ll eat it all and love every crumb of it! That’s why he adds his recipes to his letters and we share some recipes for Santa snacks in this blog.
why cant you tell us Santas favourite food
Santa doesn’t want anyone to worry they haven’t given him the ‘right’ dish on Christmas Eve so he doesn’t tell people his favourite and he really loves so many snacks that he finds it hard to pick just one anyway, Shanyn!
How long dose it take to travel around the World
Thank you for listing the names of the 9 reindeer that pull Santa’s sleigh. I could not remember them in order much less out of order. I guess I need to get a hold of the sheet music too, with Christmas right around the corner! Of course my children love all of the Christmas songs and there are a few variations of Rudolph that they like, especially the one where his nose shines like a lightbulb!
You’re welcome lrlday 🙂
You may find the sheet music you’re after at http://www.freesheetmusiclinks.com/christmas.php
Hi how old is santa
love rose
HI Rose,
Other than very old, I can’t really say as I’ve never asked Santa.
There are a few stories about how Santa became part of our lives. One is about Saint Nicholas of Greece and he was born in March 270 AD which would make him 1,743 years old!
Thank you I was doing a school project and your list of names helped me 🙂
You’re welcome, Charley, and I hope your school project goes well 🙂
I’m sooo glad that I’ve found this site as I have been trying to tell my granddaughter Evie who’s 5 years old – all the reindeers names, I managed to get to 7 but then could not remember the others.
She remembered Rudolph of course and she Is going to start to write her letter to Santa at the weekend.
Keep up the good work and remember – we ALL love Santa
Glad we could help Maz 🙂
I hope Evie enjoys writing her letter to Santa (and you may want to take a copy of it before you mail it – they make a lovely keepsake, either in an album or I’ve even heard of people putting them inside an empty Christmas bauble as a unique decoration!)
Dear santa’s elves – what a really good idea it is to keep all the letters your children/grandchildren write to Santa. Lets face it, they don’t write many in their lifetime as they seem to loose the magic of Christmas n grow up far too quickly nowadays. I’m having her to stay Saturday so we’ll be writing her letter n posting it very soon.
Does it reach you if we just put
North Pole?
We’ll also be baking some of the the recipes above, just to try, so she can find out her favourite – then we can bake some more nearer the time for Santa
Just remember, its not JUST Santa the kids love, they love you elves also!
Thanks for such a lovely comment, Maz 🙂
I totally agree that they grow up too fast so storing some of that magic is well worth it.
I think most postal services around the world can cope with that as an address for Santa – many, many letters certainly arrive in Santa’s letter box that way!
Enjoy your letter writing and baking with Evie, Maz.
What a wonderful site this is, I only wanted the correct number of Reindeer for a quiz but you gave much more, I’m a believer I think the magic of Christmas should be shared all over the world. Thank You so much for helping to keep the magic alive.
Thank you Grandma 🙂
I hope we helped you in the quiz and that you enjoyed a little taste of Christmas magic this morning!
I love you santa
And Santa loves you Artina 🙂
hello Santa sorry for this year but i was wondering if i can go with you this year to deliver all of the presents with you and sorry for this year
It’s good to be sorry for things you have done, Jord. And even better if you make amends and learn not to make the same mistake again.
Unfortunately, Santa can’t take passengers in his sleigh as it is so full of presents there is no more space! And I think the boomers and reindeer already work hard enough pulling the sleigh as it is!
Hi Santa,
How old are you and your workshop?
Love Charlie
Santa tells me he is too old to remember how many birthdays he’s had, Charlie! He’d much prefer to remember all the girls and boys than worry about himself.
Santa’s workshop has been extended and done up a few times so how can say how old it really is?
magic defies physics, undoubtedly
Undoubtedly 🙂
just a question if Santa has to get all around the world won’t the reindeer hurt them self i mean there going super fast and like 3 or 4 kilomiters per hour how can the reindeers not get hurt or santas bumm being on fire
It’s Santa’s magic, Indiana – it helps them fly, go fast and be safe 🙂
How many presents do each child get because each Christmas I my couch is overflowing then my best friend only got one and her present was wrapped and mine weren’t so how does that work? Also what my mum told me last year is that she goes shopping and puts it on laybuy then santa picks it up and delivers it to my house and when she told me this we went shopping and I put in the trolley whatever I wanted for Christmas. Could you answer my questions please!!!!!
Hi Jasmine,
Santa doesn’t give every child the same number of presents because each child is different so he chooses what suits the child and their family.
Overall, it seems some cultures expect wrapped presents from Santa while others just get gifts in a stocking (or pillow slip or doona!, etc) – beyond that, I think Santa sometimes wraps gifts for some extra fun but doesn’t have time to do so for every child (there are a LOT of children in the world, Jasmine!)
I have heard that sometimes Santa does asks Mums and Dads to help him out – there are more kids around now than when he first started giving gifts! However, even if Santa gets helps, he doesn’t give children everything they want I’m afraid – he knows that would be spoiling them and they wouldn’t truly appreciate everything. So he chooses the right number for each child and sticks to that – despite what you may pop into a shopping trolley or list in a letter to him!
I hope that helps and have a merry Christmas 🙂
Thank you
Why does santa nether get me presents! I wanted a x box one last year but I never got one 🙁 why didn’t I get one . please reply.
I can’t answer that Rick – only Santa knows exactly why he gives a gift to one child and not another. I could guess that perhaps you’re too old or maybe you were a bit too naughty last year?
Try again next year, maybe santa,s running out of budget, he he he
I love all the reindeer names
I love Santa and his reindeers – thanks for listing their names for me 🙂
You’re welcome Sienna – I love Santa, his reindeer and his boomers, too!
Well all I wont to say is think you for reminding me all of the reindeer’s names because i could not remember them and my nephew wanted me to tell him the names of Santa’s reindeer’s and so i looked them up and i found your site so think very much and i hope that you have a great Christmas.
You’re welcome Katie – we’re happy to help 🙂
We hope you and your nephew also have a great Christmas and a lovely 2015.
i love u santa and thank you for brining me presents that i love every year
That’s lovely of you to thank Santa, Zoe, and I know Santa loves you, too!
Silly, but I only knew rudolf among the reindeer,he,s very famous because of his red nose
Famous indeed he is, Evelyn 🙂 But even he couldn’t pull Santa’s sleigh alone!
Hi i love the presents i got last year hope you bring me more awesome pressies this year. Love everyone there including mrs clause. My name is tayla and merry christmas for 2015
Hi Tayla,
glad you enjoyed all your Christmas presents! And hopefully you’ll thinks this year’s gifts are just as awesome, too!
merry Christmas 🙂
hi mr elf
could you please send me a picture of urself…. i have a picture with santa and my big brother says he isnt real so i want to show him you are all real and that if he doesnt believe he wont get present from santa
thank you
merry christmas
Hi Paris,
I’m not sure if you wanted a photo of me (Santa’s letter writing elf) or Santa but there are photos of us both on this site. Your big brother would probably still stir you and say he doesn’t believe the photo was real anyway. But it really doesn’t matter what he believes – YOU can believe in anything that is special and true to you and your values, and he can believe in his things. I know your faith in Santa is magical and Santa appreciates it (and hopes you will show your belief by being kind and caring as he is himself).
Santa is very forgiving though so your brother may just get a present anyway.
Have a fantastic Christmas – and I hope you leave a lovely snack out for Santa on Christmas Eve 🙂
Hey I was wondering Christmas is not about Santa its also about Jesus birth
HI Psedonym, for some people Christmas is about Jesus and that’s where the name originated. But not everyone believes in Jesus and traditions have made Santa very much a part of Christmas – and that is the part, along with love, family, magic and fun, we celebrate in this blog 🙂
Um hey is they a reindeer called glisten?
I’ve never heard of Glisten the reindeer, Mia. Maybe it’s one that lives with Santa’s reindeer but doesn’t pull his sleigh?
Santa and the elfs are the best
Santa is the best, Curtis 🙂 As a person and role model, you can’t do much better for generosity, care and encouragement.
Am I on santas naughty list if I’m not please may I have match at tax and a match at tax book
Hi Jessica, Sorry I can’t answer that as only Santa sees his lists… But do YOU think you have been so naughty? Maybe you spend this week doing lots of good things to make amends?
Either way, it’s not too late to write to Santa and make your requests! Good luck.
🙂 🙂 😀 😀

Thank you for telling me. I hope your Christmas is the most amazing Christmas that you’ve ever had
Thank you for that lovely wish, Jessica, and I hope you have an awesome Christmas too 🙂
Roudolp the red nose raindeer
Hi Lilcuz, Anna did include Rudolph in the original list above but thanks for commenting 🙂
Dear Santa why does no one likes Rudolph and can I please have an hair phone? I hope you and the reindeer have a nice holiday and I just want to say thank you and i’m so sorry that I have no more cookies.
I’m not sure where you get the idea not many people like Rudolph, Tom… I know he wasn’t very popular with the other reindeer before Santa made use of his shining nose (and it isn’t right that the other reindeer picked on him just because he was a bit different, but at least they learned their lesson), but I think everyone likes him now!
I help Santa, but you need to write directly to him to make requests for gifts. It may be a little late now to ask him, but he often knows anyway – he’d still love to get a letter form you, maybe you could leave one under your tree?
Santa loves snacks, especially those made by children, but if you can’t leave something, I’m sure he’ll understand.
There are 10 Reindeer! Not 9. What about Olive???
Lol, Perla 🙂
There are eight who originally pulling Santa’s sleigh, plus Rudolph who joined them one fateful foggy night! There are some additional reindeer which we listed elsewhere, and that includes Olive 🙂
😆 i thought there was 12 reindeers but know there was 9 😳 cant wait to get the christmas presents and to see most of my family. 😆 🙂 😛
merry christmas christmas every one 😮 😉 😆 😎
Hi Danielle, thank you and I hope you had a great Christmas, too 🙂 But 8 main reindeer plus Rudolph!
Since I’m writing a book about Santa’s reindeer, and going to enter it in a contest, this was really useful for me! BUT. Would you be able to tell me the genders of each of the reindeer? I’m going to say Vixen is going to be female, and Blitzen is going to be male, but I can’t decide the others.
hi Silver, glad to have helped with the names of the reindeer.
All Santa’s reindeer are believed to be female actually. Male and female reindeer grow antlers each summer but the males lose them at the start of winter – females only lose theirs in spring after giving birth. With Christmas being within winter, any reindeer with antlers (as those who pull Santa’s sleigh) are very likely to be female. Of course, Santa’s magic could mean the males keep antlers longer…
how old are your reindeers santa?
hi Rickilee, Santa has never told me how old his reindeer are but I can say that they were named by Clement Clarke Moore in ‘Twas the night before Christmas’ in 1823 so I assume they are more than 192 years old! That or Santa uses the same names for his flying reindeer even when younger ones take over…
I could’ve sworn there were 8, I’ve never included Rudolph. I’ve always thought he was just a temporary helper during foggy days, cause his nose was so bright. I guess I really do have to include him now. Then again, I could never remember any of their names.
*Note to self: Remember Rudolph, and the other 8. 😳
Hi Amourmia, Rudolph is often not counted as one of the main reindeer so thinking of eight names is quite reasonable 🙂
I love you reindeer ever on especially Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner Blitzen and most importantly of all Rudolph and Rudolph is my most favortive reindeer I love Rudolph so much that I want to meet and be friends with Rudolph. ?????????
It would be fun to meet Rudolph, wouldn’t it Zane? 🙂
You missed Olive! The one that used to pick on Rudolph.. you know… used to laugh and call him names.
Hey John, yes Olive was an important reindeer, lol – we mentioned her in another post – but not one that is likely to show up in a trivia quiz or similar 🙂
Check the movie “Desk Set.” They give Donner’S name as “Donder.”
Hi Larry, a few of the reindeer names have evolved over time so different versions of stories will use Donner or Donder, Blixem or Blitzen. But I haven’t heard of Desk Set so I’ll check that out.
Hi Santa its me Immy swanson . For x mas can I have a hover board some clothes a gummy bear soap some head bands and some other stuff to and my dad says your not real but the rest of the family do.
And, Elf can you check if Kirsty Ann is on the naughty list beacase she’s being mean and bossy to my frinds.
Hi Immy, and thanks for leaving us a message 🙂
I feel sorry for your Dad to not believe in the magic of Santa and his kindness, but glad you and your family do have that comfort and warmth. It is best to write directly to Santa with your requests (and you can use a template I made ot help you write a nice letter) but I will pass it on to Santa for you.
Santa’s naughty and nice lists can change over time – and I can’t see the lists – so I don’t know where Kirsty Ann is. It’s not nice when anyone is mean and hopefully Kirsty Ann will be kind to you and your friends soon. In the meantime, stay away from her when you can and try to be calm and polite as much as possible.
I hope you have a fantastic Christmas Immy 🙂
You forgot about Olive… Olive the other reindear, used to laugh and call him names…. Hahaha
Hi Nadine,
We included Olive in a list of the ‘other’ reindeer rather than in this list of the names in the Night before Christmas poem 🙂
You left out comet
Thanks for dropping by Lynda, but I think you’ll find Commet is the seventh name in Anna’s list above 🙂
Hey Santa I don’t what any gifts this year because I just what my family back together again because my pop died and my Nan died and uncle died this year and it is really hard time so this year I don’t any gifts this year ok
Hi Caitlin, that sounds like a very sad year for you and your family. Don’t give up on Christmas and being happy though – I’m sure Nana, Pop and your uncle liked you being happy. If it helps, you could write to Santa and tell him how you feel, but he may still give you something as he will want to help you.
Hi St. Nicholas! I have been good this year and can I have a hatchimal?
Hi Sophie,
that’s great you have been good this year, and I hope you are god next year, too! I don’t know what Santa is packing for you but it may be a hatchimal – have you written to Santa and told him (politely of course!) what you would like?
Hi 🙂 I love this it’s taught me all about the fat man in the red suit’s reindeer’s names 😈 thankyou so much who ever made this web page. 😆 😛
Hi Ruby,
Happy to have provided something useful and fun for you. Have a Merry Christmas
It’s Donder not Donner!! Originally Dunder
Thanks for dropping by Doug.
A couple of the reindeer names have evolved over time so Donner, Dunder and Donder are all used. The original “The night before Christmas” poem by Clement Clarke Moore did use Donder and Blitzen (rather than Blixen and Blixem as are sometimes used).
Thank you for listing most of the raindeer names! ?
You’re welcome Ana – Merry Christmas 🙂
Isn’t there a reindeer that is named Buddy. How I think there is because in Snow the move and in Snow 2 there is a reindeer that is named Buddy don’t now what I am talking about you should watch Snow 1 and Snow 2.
Hi Jewels, Anna just listed the key reindeer here for us – all the ones from the poem Twas the Night Before Christmas.
We followed that up with a list of other reindeer, but I might need to add Buddy to that list now!
thanks needed names for a word puzzle,you do deserve a good present.Merry xmas
from KINGY…………
Hi Kingy, Hope you had fun with that word puzzle!
Merry Christmas 🙂
I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Santa. You too elf!
I wish l could see Santa. But I am shy and if I told my Aunty she would not believe me. I never knew the reindeer names and I am so sorry, but thanks for telling me.
I hope you all get a lot of pressies and I hope you all have a merry Christmas 🙂
Merry Christmas to you, too, Regan 🙂 I hope you are surrounded by kindness and caring.
There’s no need to be shy with Santa, and he loves you, too!
Hi, I’m Krystal. I wish I could see you -I wonder what you look like?
Merry Christmas!
Hi Krystal, and Merry Christmas!
I wonder if you are talking to me as Santa’s letter Elf (Australia) or to Santa – or maybe even the reindeer themselves? I’m sure you know that Santa is a jolly looking person with a white beard. You can see images of us on our About Us page though.
can you tell Santa that im coming to the north pole in a huge box with two more people my two cousins josh and grace our age: josh is 12 grace is 10 and im 10 also
can you reply back asap
Hi Angel, why not write a letter to Santa (perhaps leave it under your tree given he’ll be here tomorrow night!) and tell him about your plans?
Hi I’m getting a guitar for Christmas
Hi Taylar, so no surprises for you then! Hope you enjoy playing the guitar and do plenty of practice during the year.
Merry Christmas!
😎 ill do that tell me your name please
Thanks for being such a handsome and generous guy Santa
That’s sweet of you to say Brooke- and I hope you left a note for Santa on Christmas Eve! Or maybe you could write him a thank you letter.
you didn’t tell me your name
Sorry Angel, most people here just know me as Santa’s Letter Elf but others call me Tash and you can read more about me on the main site.
ok thank you I love you 🙂
nice to meet you tash
And you Angel 🙂
I am trying very hard to find who looks after centres reindeers please help me with this question ?
hi Paula,
I’m sorry but I don’t understand your question. What centre are you refering to? I would suspect an animal keeper of some kind would be the answer though.
You spell comet with one m not two.
Thanks for your comment Adrian.
You’re right that Anna made a mistake in the original post – it is Comet 🙂
only 2 mouths away Tash 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 im so excited this year we’re all going to my aunty Kelly’s josh grace and I are going to swim in aunty kell’s pool 🙂 🙂 🙂
That sounds like a lot of fun Angel 🙂