The toys night before Christmas 
by Dugald Steer
illustrated by Susanna Ronchi
Ken Fin Books, Collingwood, October 2004
Age group: 2-8 years
Format: hardcover picture book
I saw this book at a friend’s house when she encouraged me to read it, knowing that I love Christmas and books! I’m glad she did.
The story
It’s Christmas and Jack-in-the-box is disappointed that the toys don’t get any Christmas gifts.
My review
This is a beautiful book. Not only are Ronchi’s illustrations bright and colourful, the pages are textured with the main images embossed on the page. I found it impossible not to run my fingers over every page as I read this book.
The story is nice and simple – Santa forgets to bring gifts to the toys. Most of the toys accept they are toys, lol, but Jack is upset and sets about getting the toys acknowledged.
Jack sets out to make a Santa experience for the toy box residents, including a bird-pulled-sleigh! It involves the toys all working together, especially once someone gets stuck in the chimney!
Every page has a sign of Santa to find, too. The story ends, unsurprisingly, with Santa making Christmas extra special for Jack and his toy friends.
Absolutely gorgeous book to have on display for Christmas!