Our advent calendar themes continue as we move ever closer to Christmas Day.

Lego Friends

day 17

My daughter was very happy to find a stand for the proud cat, including a ramp and scratching post ‘just like a real scratching post thinggy’.

Lego cat on a scratching post stand

day 18

On day eighteen, we found what I call a lamp post, although lamp posts don’t usually have bows on them so I’m not entirely sure what it actually is meant to be! Any suggestions for me?

Lego Friends lamp post

day 19

There were sounds of excitement as my daughter discovered another trailer for the snow mobile to pull along so Stephanie can take her menagerie with her! In lining them up, I also realised that the ‘smaller cat’ was actually a cute little mouse which makes more sense than one small and one tall, proud cat!

Lego snowmobile and trailer

Lego City

day 17

Over in Lego City, we discovered a helicopter on Saturday furthering the collection of vehicles for my son.

Lego helicopter from two angles

day 18

When asked what he found yesterday, my son told me it was ‘the lady who controls the helicopter’. She is in a work suit and holds a walkie talkie – maybe she controls all the vehicles.

Lego helicopter and Lady controller

day 19

We must be getting closer to the 25th, as we have started getting the Christmas items with a Christmas tree! Compared to previous years, I was a little surprised it is just a plain tree without decorations.

Lego City Christmas tree