In the past, I’ve organised some Santa letters for my kids – they liked them so we’ve done it every year. Last night we opened our Love Santa letters and the difference is incredible.
It’s not just that there is the little surprise added, stickers on the envelopes and the craft and recipe ideas are a great idea. Having different letters for each child was a nice change (yet so important for realism to my thinking).
But what really blew us away was the obvious fact each letter is adjusted for the child. You changed the good deed wording I typed to actually fit the letter wording and added lovely comments that could only have been done manually – a truly personalised letter that made my son stand up straight and feel proud of his achievements this year.

Love Santa letters make great scrapbooking pages
I’ve let the kids play with previous letters and never had any desire to keep one. This year’s letters are going in their scrapbooks – and so will next year’s!
Thank you for a wonderful addition to our Christmas celebrations – and this blog of people’s stories and traditions is heart warming.
LIsaJ you have made our day! Thank you for such a lovely message. It is important to us that children receive a lovely Santa letter – I check every letter personally to fix up spelling and grammar (especially where the information doesn’t really fit the letter as it stands) as there letters are very special. Little things (like stickers on envelopes) add to the excitement and our pleasure in giving these letters. Have a wonderful Christmas with your beautiful children.
I admit to asking for a Love Santa letter for my boyfriend just for fun. Obviously, his wish list is a bit more adult but we loved who you adjusted the letter to suit and wish him well with exam results! I did it as a joke without expecting much but the personal touches were great! He has even used the provided recipe to cook me a thank you gift 🙂
Hi Vicki, I do remember that letter – I enjoyed giving some Christmas cheer to someone older who is obviously valued so yes I added the extra sentence about his exams! Very pleased to hear your boyfriend used our recipe – did you enjoy the results of his cooking?
It’s really great to know how much effort is being put into these letters. It’s really touching and makes people feel warm on the inside. It really brightens up anyone’s day and I hope it keeps on happening.
Thanks Metarex. It touches us to write these letters, we love it as much as Santa does I think, so it will continue for some time to come.
Thank you for the letter sharing experience! I will have to try that with my kids. I know they are younger and this would be a great change of pace for them to try.
I hope your kids enjoy it, Isabella.
That’s such a sweet memorable idea. A scrapbook for your child’s Santa letters. I wish I would have thought of that years ago. But there’s hope, with 3 grand babies on the way.
Three scrapbooks for three babies – it will be interesting how different each will be over time, pocs. I’ve added a photo to this post showing three pages I’ve made for my kids’ scrapbooks from Love Santa letters (with names blanked out) – I do them differently every year for each child.