A bit of applause for Mrs Claus
by Susie Schick-Pierce, Jeannie Schick-Jacobowitz, Muffin Drake-Policastro
illustrated by Wendy Wallin-Malinow
Naperville, Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, 2012.
Age group: 3-5 year olds, plus earlier readers
There are many, many books and stories about Santa, but not so many about Mrs Claus. So this book seemed to have a different angle worth looking into, especially as she is getting some positive recognition through applause!
The story
It’s Christmas Eve. Only, Santa is sick so Mrs Claus has to take over so the children don’t miss out on Christmas. It is a Christmas book showing why there should be a bit of applause for Mrs Claus!
My book review
Many parents will understand how Mrs Claus feels with the number of jobs still to be done on Christmas Eve as she has a very busy night. She has to wrap gifts, cook snacks, harness up the reindeer and finish decorating all the trees. Mrs Claus even has to write a pile of letters to children to on behalf of Santa!
The book is colourful and cheery. It has a clear layout and font which helps young children read it.
[Spoiler alert!] While the story focuses on Mrs Claus, the story doesn’t damage anyone’s expectations or hopes as Santa gets better in time to do the Christmas Eve run.
Do I recommend this book? Yes, this is a nice addition to any collection of Christmas books.