The Crayons’ Christmas front and back covers of The Crayons' Christmas

by Drew Daywalt
Illustrated by Oliver Jeffers
HarperCollins Children’s Books, Great Britain, October 2019

Age group

5-10 year olds


32 page hardcover book

I have enjoyed reading The Day the Crayons Quit and the Day the Crayons Came Home, so I loved the idea of watching Duncan’s crayons at Christmas as well – and I wasn’t disappointed!

inner page of Crayon's Christmas with a puzzle in an envelope

The story

Duncan’s crayons are having fun in the lead up to Christmas and receiving letters and parcels. In each envelope for a crayon is something for readers to find and play with…

My review

Our crayon friends are enjoying December. They make Christmas cards, sing Christmas carols, put up Christmas decorations, wrap presents and even put on a Christmas play. All activities children may be doing at home and school as well, which makes it relatable for them to read. Although a day playing in the snow is not that common in Australia just before Christmas!Game board and pages of The Crayon's Christmas picture book

The envelopes and parcels include things like a paper crayon with clothes (this one made me laugh), a game board, some Christmas decorations to hang, and a dreidel.

I love the hidden bits of humour throughout the book and activities. For instance, in the Great Crayon Holiday Race, you could loose your wrapper, melt to underwear or have Picasso admire your artwork! Not to mention melting away from stress and an aged candy cane. I did cringe at a dad joke or two though…

There are actually a few reminders about being nice to each other as well – gaining moves in the game through being considerate, giving gifts, and sharing gifts.

The world tour map from some travelling crayons is, ah, interesting! Who knew the Great Wall of China was in Africa? But the continents are correctly labelled so it can be a useful map for discussions around the world and where landmarks actually belong.

Pop up Christmas tree within The Crayon's Christmas picture book

{Spoiler alert} At the end, the crayons gave Duncan a special Christmas gift in the form of a Christmas tree pop up

Would I recommend The crayon’s Christmas? Yes, I heartily recommend this book for a range of ages as it is fun, made me laugh and has additional activities and surprises within. A great Christmas gift or addition to your Christmas bookshelf.

The crayons\' Christmas ~ Christmas book review