Day ten – reaching double digits is important for kids so why not for a Christmas countdown!
Ornament calendar
As a white cat looks at the wreath on a door, we created our own Christmas wreath to hang on the tree. The bow is large so the wreath felt a little unbalanced, and like it is facing the wrong way, but it hangs nicely and adds more colour to the tree.
Lego City
I can’t say we’re sure what we found behind today’s calendar flap – a ball with two stands or two goal posts perhaps? What do you think it is meant to be?
Lego Friends
In the Friends ornament collection, we added a candle tonight. It felt very large as we made it – especially with the scale of Lego things we’re used to – but it was simple to create and would look ok on a Christmas tree.
Christmas book
We are looking forward to some fun with he rhymes and pictures as we read A very pirate Christmas tonight. Let’s hope someone can rescue Santa in time to save Christmas!
Are they for a table ice hockey game so they are the bits you hold and push the ball with?
So, it does appear they are the goal nets for soccer – they fit nicely on the sports field on the scene on the advent calendar box, my son discovered…